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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Here is the Sign Up, if you want to get the gist of what's going on then here is the interest check.


"Hello, I'm Mazzamette, the Host of lord Fantomas' BattleGAME!"

"Are you ready for the fight of your very world!"

"But first, you must enter your personal invitation"

"Hand it over and enter the first gate, but be ready, The BattleGAME Is not for the easily defeated"

Here's the character Sheet, if it looks similar I got it from Necropolis, his is so simplistic, its great. * means required
Name* (Real, nick, or both):
"What do you fight for?"*: (A general reason for character to fight)
Alignment (Your character's self interests define your alignment. Click on the link here for an alignment chart: Alignment ):
Characteristics (Another word for it is Personality, but put into single words):
History (A little about your character's past):
Abilities/ Magic (This would be a good idea):
Items (Any special items on your character):
Image/Description*: (If you can't seem to find the picture that fits your character then a small description will do)

EDIT: Here is the official RP: Welcome to the BattleGAME
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"Case and point"

Name* (Real, nick, or both): MAZZAMETE! But you already knew that
Age*: Eternal
Race*: Wouldn't you like to know
"What do you fight for?"*: To see the neverending war that the Master wants!
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Characteristics (Another word for it is Personality, but put into single words): Psychotic, Laughing, Small, Book?, Mask?
History (A little about your character's past): I am the host, I have been the host for a long time, you just need to fight, what more do you need?
Abilities/ Magic (This would be a good idea): Heh heh heh ha ha ha, spoilers
Items (Any special items on your character): A book?, a mask?

"Whoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!"​
I'll try to get a sheet up sometime this week if that's alright.
Sorry, it seems not many people care, which sucks but such is life, I think I will make another profile for funsies but I don't think anyone else is going to show up so you can still make a profile if you want, lets just do this together me and you and see where it goes from there.
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Ah alright. Well, if this ends up taking off out of the blue, I'll be lurking. I'm always lurking. Anyway, wish this got more interest. But, as you said, such is life.
hi. is the rp session still up?, I would like to rp
oh okay. well thank you for the reply. And thanks for the welcoming :D
Well @VOSQUEEN it is still going, but it's more or less pretty bare for the moment, for now set up a profile if you'd like and we'll see where this goes, oh and welcome to Iwaku, I hope you enjoy your time here.
set up a profile were? x3, sorry I'm new. but ill get the hang of things eventually lol. Thank you for the greetings, I look forward to this site :D
Basically, create your character using the form at the top of this page. Just fill in the fields and it's done.
Please let me know if this is still ongoing. I'd like to join in.

There's been a lack of interest in 'bio and jumpin' roleplays for the longest of time now. Not very many people make them anymore for that reason, but it also means it pushes the newer roleplayers with virtually no experience away from roleplaying on Iwaku, for the simple fact that most other roleplays have specific standards they'd like to have met, easily overwhelming these extremely new people.

I'll go ahead and post my CS now, in the event it's still up.

[fieldbox="Rukyo, Gold, dashed, 10, Verdana"]
Name: Rukyo Kobiyori
Age: 26
Race: High Elf
What do you fight for: For the glory of the Elves
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Characteristics: What you'd expect from an Elf who fights for the glory of a single race
History: Nothing exceptional to speak of
Abilities/ Magic: Rukyo is a Pyromancer, and is thus able to use magical abilities pertaining to Pyromancy. His abilities include a few minor attacks, as well as two major magical attacks.
1} Cannonball - An explosive fiery projectile, able to do exceptional damage, but is limited to one direction.
2}Whirlwind - Allows Rukyo to focus his magic into the blade of his sword as well as his entire body. It's great for close combat hits, or for defense, but his mobility is cut by almost 3/4 This ability also virtually depletes his magics temporarily, so it's more of a trump card than a viable strategy.
Items: An enchanted ring that furthers his Pyro abilities, bringing slightly more punch to any attacks imbued with fire.
Image:Commander Sota.jpg[/fieldbox]

Oh, and @VOSQUEEN, welcome to Iwaku.
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@Kelsi Kitsune Well I considered it dead since no one wanted to do anything with this. But if just one person wants to apart of this then I'm more then happy to get this RP going again.

Also good character, I wonder if he is ready for what's in store.
I'd still be interested in this if you're planning on starting it. I'd kind of written this off and pushed my character to the back of the waiting line though, so it may take a little while for me to get him up.
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My reply will have to wait until after work, but with any luck I'll have a reply up today. If not, you can expect one tomorrow for sure as I'm off work for the weekend.
Lady Adain falls through a portal in spacetime and crashlands in the thread.

Hey, is this still a thing? I want to bring Kirin in on it. And maybe a few others--are we allowed multiple characters? Is the battle format always one-on-one, or are teams allowed?