A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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Yuri paused, looking at her, concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Ziekonry put a hand on her other shoulder, behind her, silently waiting for her answer.
She nodded, letting off a weak smile before going and sitting in her seat, midst the laughing crowd. Yuris fanclub glared at her when he touched her and she sighed softly, looking down at her hands in her lap.
Yuri sat beside her, almost protectively.

Ziekonry noticed the glaring girls. He frowned slightly, sitting on her other side and leaning back in his chair.
She smiled at the two boys, admiring them and their protective like stance beside her.

When the day was over she seperated from them toget her things, only to be met by Yuri's fangirls once again. They glared at her,"you haven't seemed to have learned your lesson," the oldest spat down at her,"you'll learn tomorrow or you'll pay!" She growled before literally spitting on her then they walked away.
Ziekonry was sitting on the wall outside, waiting for Yuri and Kiari, staring at the sky thoughtfully.

Yuri walked down the hall, nose in his notes again. He paused, getting a drink of water. Once more, he noticed the 'fan club' giggling as they walked down the hall. He sighed, shaking his head, then going to the front doors, waiting just inside for Kiari.
She gathered her things and walked out, tripping over her own feet as she had her head in the clouds. She walked up to Ziekonry and Yuri and smiled a little bit,"to the store?" She asked.
"Yes, to the store." Yuri smiled, nodding.

Ziekonry slid off the wall, landing easily on his feet, just like a cat. He nodded in agreement. "Yeah." He said, smiling faintly.
She nodded and followed them, keeping her head down so as not to draw attention from Yuri's fangirls.
Ziekonry looked at Kiari, then looked around. "Are you okay?" He put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Yuri, completely unaware, looked ahead as he walked.
She nodded and forced a bright smile,"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" She asked with a soft chuckle, scooting closer to his touch.
"Just being sure." Ziekonry kept a hand on her shoulder.

"Which store are we going to?" Yuri asked, not glancing back.
She skipped up to him,"there's a market just a few blocks away from the house, their stuff is the best" she said softly to them, pointing them where they needed to go.
"Alright." Yuri nodded, smiling softly at her and following where she pointed.

Ziekonry stood just behind them, hands in his pockets, eyes on the sky as they walked.
She led them in and grabbed a cart,"alright we will start with the veggies" she said, "how about leeks or celery?" Kiari said with a smile, walking over and holding up a thing of celery and a bundle of leeks.
"Celery...mmm." Ziekonry said with a faint smile, though he was slightly distracted by the people walking around.

"Either is fine." Yuri said, standing just next to her, smiling.
She nodded and got two bundles of celery before grabbing carrots potatoes and onions then smiling at the boys,"can you two go grab your favorite fruits while I head over to get some meat and fish?" She askef them.
Yuri nodded, nudging Zie. "Huh? Oh, yeah." Ziekonry rubbed the back of his neck as he nodded, following Yuri to the fruit stand.
She walked over and looked overvthe meat, buying a few different types of meat then gazing over the fish but wrinkling her nose, she would go to the fish market tomorrow.
Yuri and Zie got a few different fruits, though Yuri was mostly the one gathering things. They met up with Kiari.
"We got the fruit." Zie smiled.
She smiled and once it was placed in the cart she headed off again, grabbing milk, plenty of it, butter eggs and other essential items before heading to the snaks isle,"get what you want from here I'm going the grab a bag of rice." she said before heading off.

As she walked down the isle her eyes locked for a split second with one of the girls from Yuris fan club holding an empty basket and grabbing a few boxes from the shelves, clad in normal clothing. The girl frowned but Kiari pretended not to notice her, she bent down and grabbed a big bag of rice, knowing that with the four of them they would go through it quickly. She stood up and the girl drew closer to her, pulled out a key she had and smirked, I saw you in here wih our prince, I thought we told you to stay away" she growled as she walked past, cutting the bag open with her key causing Kiari to jump to save the rice but it spilled everywhere as the girl walked away. She put the bag on the ground feeling defeated she began picking up the rice and putting it in the ripped bag.
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