A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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Ziekonry didn't like the look of any of the snacks, so he decided to meet with Kiari. He just missed what actually happened, but he saw the girl just a few feet away and he felt a little angry. Why did Kiari always seem to have something happen when they were around? It unnerved him. Walking to Kiari's side, he knelt down. "Need some help?" He offered, glancing at the other girl with a glare.

Yuri, however, was debating over several snacks. He liked the look of some and the sound of others, but he wouldn't get all of them.
The girl came up his isle and giggled,"Yuri! What a surprise to see you here" she giggled.

Kiari shook her head,"Its fine, Ican handle it, did you get any snacks?" She asked, scooping up as much as she could in her small hands and pouring it into the bag.
Ziekonry shrugged. "Yuri was getting some." He said, picking up a few grains. "Let me help..please." He said, putting them in the bag.

Yuri paused, blinking. "Uhm...hi..." he said, turning back to the snacks.
Kiari nodded and just continued to pick them all up,"could you go tell one of the workers that I spilled rice?" She asked,"so they cann bring a broom."

She giggled and pressed against his shoulder some,"whatcha looking for?" She asked cheery.
Yuri seemed a little hesitant. "Looking for a few snacks.." He said quietly.

"Sure." Ziekonry pet her shoulder before standing, going to speak to one of the workers.
She smiled,"any ones in particular?" She asked happily.

Kiari continued to pick up the rice, when he left she grabbed a new bag and placed it in the cart, before continuing to pick up the rice, placing it in the half empty bag.
Ziekonry returned with a broom. "Tada.." He smiled, sweeping a little.

"Not really..." Yuri shrugged.
Kiari smiled and gently recieved the broom, sweeping it all up and then into the bag. She smiked,"thank you" she said, placing the broken bag in the cart.

She smiled,"well my favorite are these" she said pointing to a bag,"but which are your favorite?" She asked.
"I don't know yet." Yuri said with a slight chuckle. "That's why I'm still standing here..."

Ziekonry smiled, doing his best to help. "Anything to help." He said gently.
She chuckled,"well which ones are you debating between?" She asked.

She nodded her head,"we are almost done, would you mind going and getting some olive oil and vegetable oil from the cooking isle?" she asked him with a smile.
Yuri pointed at two to his left and one to his right, one of them was the one the girl had said was her favorite. "I can't choose between these." He sighed.

Ziekonry nodded. "Be careful, alright?" He said gently before turning to go to the cooking aisle and get the oils.
She chuckled at Ziekonrys comment but just nodded and watched him leave. She left down the isles to go wait for him,"stopping in front of the snacks isle which just happensto lead to the check out stand. She didnt say anything, just waited for the two boys.

The girl chuckled and then shrugged,"well then just get more than one." She said with a happy smile.
Yuri shook his head. "I'm just going to get these two." He said, grabbing some of the two he picked and put them in a bag to put in the cart.

Ziekonry searched the cooking aisle for the oils.
She gazed up at Yuri and smiled but then looked down at the cart when she got a dirty look from the girl who trotted up behind him.

"So Yuri what are you two doing shopping together" she giggled, giving an impression that she liked Kiari.
Yuri stood beside Kiari, almost protectively. "We're friends." He said, smiling as he gently put a hand on Kiari's shoulder. "My cousin and I offered to come with her to the market today."

As if on que, Ziekonry came up behind Kiari. He stood on her other side, frowning slightly at the other girl. "I found the oil." He said to Kiari, holding the bottles in one arm. "Everything alright?" He looked at Kiari.
She smiled at the two, really not wanting them to get bullied as well. She happily took the oils, thanking Ziekonry.

The girl frowned for a split second before smiling,"oh how sweet, well Yuri you should come shopping with me some time too" she giggled before skipping off.
Yuri bit his lip. "Eh..." he sighed. "Is there anything else you need, Ms. Kiari?" He said, tilting his head a little.

Ziekonry watched after the girl who skipped away, shaking his head. He looked to Kiari as Yuri asked the question, though he was in a thoughtful silence.
Kiari shook her head, "no thats all" she said with a smile, rolling the cart up to the register and debating which of her debit cards had the most she pulled one out and paid for it all including the bag she had broken whichh they threw away.
Ziekonry was looking around cautiously, looking for that girl.

Yuri helped Kiari with moving the bags and such, making sure everything was well and organized.
She grabbed as many bags as she could and started for their house, you guys can just leave everything except for the meat milk eggs and other things that needed to be refrigerator please put them there but I can put everything else away when I get home ok" she offered as they walked home.
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