A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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Yuri picked up a few bags after Ziekonry picked up some. They managed to get all of them, not wanting to leave Kiari work when she got back. Ziekonry stayed beside her, but Yuri lagged behind to get everything. Zie took his chance, since they were pretty much alone. "They're bothering you aren't they...?" He asked quietly, looking at her seriously.
She smiled at him, she knew what he was talking about but she just could not get him involved,"who? What are you talking about Ziekonry?" She asked, stopping to wait for Yuri. She had taken the bulk of it, bags lining her arms which held onto the bag of rice.
Ziekonry sighed, Yuri was walking over. He'd ask later. "Nevermind."

"C'mon, let's get this stuff inside." Yuri smiled. Ziekonry frowned at the ground.
She smiled and nodded, helping them get it all to the house and she started to put it away when she realized the time, she jumped and grabbed her things,"I'm so sorry, I'll be back later I have to go to work!" She said before hurrying off.
"Be safe!" Yuri told her as she left.

"Good luck." Ziekonry said softly, watching her leave. He went to his room, climbing out the window and onto the roof. Yuri worked to put things up in the kitchen.
She went through work without a hitch, then later in the evening, around dinner time shevreturned back and immediately got working on making food for them all, humming softly to herself.
Ziekonry was still on the roof, dozing.

Yuri entered the kitchen. "Can I help?" He asked, walking over to her.
She smiled at him and nodded,"I'd love a little help, if you wouldn't mind could you set the table and pull down bowls and plates for us all?" She asked.
Yuri nodded, quickly getting to work.
After everything was done she set out the food and asked Yuri to call everyone for dinner. As he did she went upstairs and placed her things in her room.
Yuri knocked lightly on Shigure's door. "Dinner's on the table." He then went to Ziekonry's room, but seeing Zie wasn't there, he groaned. "Zie went up on the roof.." he muttered to himself, debating whether to get him or leave him.
She walked out of her room and back downstairs, pouring the tea as she awaitedtge others.

Shigure being the first to arrive smiled abd chuckled happily at the spread.
Yuri decided against it, going downstairs. "Zie's on the roof, Shigure." He said, sighing. He didn't want the cat to toss him off the roof.
Shifure sighed and stood up to go get Zie. He climbed up with such trouble he was out of breath when he got up there"dinner..." He panted to Zie before climbing down.
Ziekonry only rolled over and muttered something, stilling again. His back was killing him at this point, and he hadn't already taken the medicine he had been given earlier.
When shigure came back without Ziekonry Kiari grew worried and with a glass of water and two pills she headed up onto the roof. She tapped his shoulder only to see him wince in pain,"I brought some pain killers, these are the last ones you can take today but they should last till you go to bed,"she told him.
Ziekonry muttered something, but he didn't say it in an audible tone. Groaning, he managed to sit up, though he was extremely off balance.
She held him up gently and placed the pills in his hand and held his water for him,"here, take these then we can get you downstairs to eat.
Ziekonry took the pills, then swallowed some water. He closed his eyes, resting his head on his knees. "S-sorry..." he said quietly.
She shook her head,"dont be sorry for not feeling well, but I would advise you stay home until the pain goes away permanently" she said, helping him up.
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