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That's what she meant? Once again, he shook his head. In fact, if he were, that would probably be best.
The woman nodded and the closet door slowly opened, Raine speaking cautiously. "Are you sure he's gone?"

The woman smiled a little. "Yes."
Well, Raine seemed to trust the woman, so surely it must be Coal, right? Nik moved to sit back against the wall so he wasn't on his knees anymore. They were smarting a little, but it was nothing compared to his throat.
Raine sighed shakily and the woman gently pat her shoulder. "We need to get back home. He should be treated here, but we can't risk anyone else finding out where he is."
Nik nodded in agreement. If Ebony ended his attacker's life, it would buy them some time, but surely not much. Whenever the attacker was supposed to report to his father would be when he would be reported missing. The sooner they left, the better.
Raine nodded, standing up fully and brushing off her skirt. "Yes, let's go. Can you walk, Nik? Or do you need help?" She was seemingly back to her normal self as the woman, presumably Coal, stood.
Nik shook his head. "I can," he rasped, not bothering to try and clear his throat this time. He stood, leaning against the wall for a second before pushing off. "Ready."
Coal smiled. "You can lean on me if you need to, I'm quite strong." Raine nodded before starting to lead the way out of the hospital.
Not quite ready to damage his pride more than it already was now that he had a purple necklace, he shook his head. He followed Raine, spitting into just about every garbage can that they passed.
Raine tried to control her concern by not looking back at him, though Coal couldn't hide hers as she followed behind. It didn't take long before they reached the exit that Ebony and the man had left through.
Nik was more than ready to leave. This hospital had caused him more trouble than it was worth. He should have never left the house.
Ebony leaned against the wall just outside the door, blood scent in the air.
It didn't bother Nik at all. He was pretty used to that scent, especially as it was fresh. He trusted that Ebony disposed of the man properly.
Ebony glanced at them, pushing himself off the wall. "It's dealt with. Luckily for our contacts. Though this outfit will need replacing." He grimaced.

Coal rolled her eyes. "And luckily it's still dark." It was indeed pitch black. They looked at each other before both nodded. Coal looked back at Rain and Nik. "Don't be too surprised, Nik, though I doubt this is the craziest thing you've seen." She and Ebony stepped a little further away before shifting into a giant raven and a giant cat with wings respectively.
Nikolai's eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness outside compared to the lights inside the hospital. He was able to notice the darker stains on Ebony's dark clothing. He shook his head. It was, in fact, not the craziest thing he remembered seeing.
Raine nudged Nik towards Ebony as she moved to climb onto Coal's back. Ebony nodded towards Nik as he crouched for him. "It'll be like we were never here."
Nik hadn't gotten the memo that he was supposed to ride on the familiar until she nudged him. He got the idea and climbed onto Ebony's back, appreciating the fact that he had crouched.
Ebony and Coal waited for them to both be settled before lifting off into the air, heading quickly to Raine's home.
Nik held on tight, not wanting to fall, even though some part of him knew he would be caught if he did.
Getting back home was much swifter than any car. Ebony and Coal landed behind Raine's home. Raine quickly slid off of Coal's back and went to head into the back door.