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Assuming he was meant to follow, Nik slid off Ebony, stumbling in an attempt to catch up. Before walking through the door, though, Nik spat once more so he could put off swallowing for a little longer.
Ebony and Coal shifted into their much smaller and ordinary forms before following the two inside, Raine locking the door after they entered. "Coal, Ebony, start preparing for a transfer. We need to get as far away from here as possible."
Right. That was his fault. He hadn't told the man anything, but…it was for the best. He very much so waited for Raine to tell him that she was leaving him behind after she healed him. Nik was aware that he was a liability. A large liability.
Raine turned to him, crossing her arms and looking him up and down, pausing on the bruise. "You have a choice. You can stay here, try to hide on your own, or... Come with us."
He raised his eyebrows, surprised at the fact that she was giving him a choice. He considered his options before he replied. "You," he said hoarsely. "I want…to go…with you."
Raine smiled a little. "I thought so." She looked at Coal.

Coal nodded. "We'll have all the preparations done by the morning."
The morning couldn't be too far away, but at the same time, it was still pitch black outside. It felt like he spent forever in the hospital. He wondered if there was anything he could do, considering he was the one that got them into this mess.
Raine moved closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's try to get some sleep while they prepare." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him upstairs, to her room. "It's not your fault, by the way." She said as they walked.
"Wow," he joked as she pulled him to her room. "Forward." He mainly didn't want to address how she was just trying to make him feel better, and it kind of was his fault.
Raine rolled her eyes but let out a chuckle. "I know right? I hear it's a good way to release stress." She joked as they entered the dark room, the lights coming on when she let go of his hand and snapped her fingers.
"I tried to tell you that!" His voice cracked multiple times. He shook his head, ignoring how bad his voice had sounded.
Raine snorted and chuckled again before moving behind him to push him to the bed. "You need the rest more than I do."
The bed? He would have been happy with the loveseat or even the floor. If this was how he was treated when hurt, then maybe he should get hurt a little more often. He smirked a little at the thought. "You're not going to–" He stifled a cough, which he knew would hurt more than he wanted to handle right now. "--poison me?"
Raine snorted. "You saved my life, remember? Although I probably could have handled myself, you still risked yours for mine. And Ebony and Coal's. You deserve the bed."
He looked at her incredulously. He never would have thought he would hear those words from her mouth. Not about to let this opportunity go, he moved to flop onto the bed.
Raine chuckled a little. "I saw that look. And I'm not joining you if that's what you're thinking."
"What, are you gonna sleep on the couch?" He asked, his voice laking the taunting tone that he would have liked to come across.
Raine nodded. "I am. You got a problem with that?"
He shook his head and mumbled a 'no'.
Raine raised an eyebrow. "... You didn't seriously think I would share the bed with you, did you?"