[Samuel x Roman]

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This time when Samuels face heated up it wasn't hidden by the fact that it was dark. Wide-eyed and with red cheeks he stared at Roman for a moment to try to tell if he was serious or not. He decided he'd go with assuming he was joking to save himself the embarrassment, but couldn't keep himself from thinking he wouldn't mind it if he wasn't.

"Actually you'd have to tell my mum I've been lying about where I've been, " he said when he'd gotten over the initial shock of what Roman had suggested, cheeks still slightly red at image that had been put into his head, "And that sounds slightly less fun"

He briefly considered just inviting him along, but it was Saturday which meant his dad was probably home and brining someone like Roman over didn't really seem like a good idea, but maybe some other time after school or something.

"but we can hang out some other time," he said with slight hesitation "...right?"
He asked because he really wanted to just do something like watch a movie with the Roman again, because it really had been fun and he really did like talking to him. But maybe he didn't want to because Samuel had ignored him or maybe things would be different after what had happened last night. He doubted the last one though, since it didn't seem to have changed anything so far. He just kind of wanted to know that they still were friends, even if their friendship was kind of weird.
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Samuel was cute when he was embarrassed.

Roman pouted again, like a petulant child who didn't get what he wanted, but didn't push the subject. He understood why Samuel might not want him over -- though he couldn't help but suspect that he would start to rethink the conclusions they had come to the night before. So, he grabbed a piece of paper from his desk, scrawled his number on it in red pen with a couple of sarcastic little love hearts and stood up, shoving it into Samuel's hand with a kiss to his cheek.

"Text me, okay?"

And Roman and Samuel did end up texting quite a lot over the next couple of days, which was how Roman found himself walking to Samuel's house on Wednesday afternoon instead of going home and doing nothing. He was slightly excited, but also slightly nervous, since he didn't know what to expect from Samuel's parents.

Or Samuel. He didn't know where he stood with him, either, only that Samuel didn't want to be seen with Roman at school just yet.

"Your dad's a homophobe, isn't he?" Roman guessed. He had come to this conclusion because of the way Samuel trod around his sexuality like it was something he would get beaten for.
After leaving the Hemlock residence and getting home Samuel surprisingly didn't have too much trouble accepting his newfound realization, he had even gotten to a point where he at least could think "I am gay" without it freaking him out. It didn't mean he still didn't find himself second guessing the whole thing, but it was kind of hard to deny stone hard facts.

The biggest difference he found that whenever his dad was around and there was a pause in conversation that left him with wandering thoughts he kept being scared he'd just know. It was honestly impossible at this point, he didn't even think his dad would even consider his son being into guys, but it felt different lying to himself than to "lie" to his dad. Lying t o someone else meant you could get caught.

Texting with Roman helped though, Samuel didn't really talk about him being scared his dad would find out though, it was just nice to have something to distract himself from those thoughts.

He was happy they had agreed to actually hang out for real after school that Wednesday though, he felt kind of bad for not talking to him in school after texting more than he did his other friends during his free time..

"yeah.." It wasn't that hard to figure that fact out, and his dad really didn't make it to much of a secret either, so he wasn't really surprised by the question, "He won't be home 'till later, though, so you probably won't have to meet him"

They were currently walking up to the house of the Ortega family, a red house on the smaller side seeing as they didn't need too much space only being three people and a dog, who had a lot of space in the backyard anyways.

Speaking of the dog, as they walked up the steps to the porch she came running, barking from the other side of the closed door. Daisy was starting to get pretty old at this point, and didn't have as much energy as she used to, but she was still a puppy at heart and was a very curious dog who loved greeting people as soon as they came inside.
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Roman didn't understand homophobes. Not only was there nothing wrong with being something other than heterosexual, but who in their right mind would reject their own child because of their sexuality? In Roman's mind, there was nothing sadder than thinking that his parents could have shunned him for who he chose to love.

So he couldn't begin to imagine how Samuel felt every single day.

However, all relevant thoughts were immediately ejected out Roman's mind when he saw the dog. His eyes went saucer wide and he stumbled back down the steps of the porch, catching onto the railing so he didn't fall and die in some really lame way. It was impossible to hide the genuine terror on Roman's face, which probably looked ludicrous, he realised, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything, other than the fact that there was a fucking dog and it was only being blocked by a thin wire door.

"Please get it away," he croaked, sliding down the side of the house and covering his ears with his hands so he couldn't hear the dog scratch or bark anymore. He knew he was being ridiculous -- that this was probably a nice dog, a friendly dog, a dog that just wanted to kiss him and cuddle up with him while he watched Harry Potter. But Roman couldn't stop his heart from hammering against his chest, from his pulse being the only thing he was able to hear. From the mild shaking of his body and the way he hid his face against his knees.

He had a phobia and that was painfully obvious. Another weakness he hated showing.
Normally Samuel would dismiss people saying they were afraid of dogs, throughout the years he had learned it usually wasn't anything more than people being mildly unsettled by the large ones and annoyed by the small ones.

But roman was absolutely terrified. And that kind of freaked Samuel out a little. He managed to pull himself together pretty quickly, though, seeing as he wasn't the one shivering on the ground, and as soon he opened the door he grabbed a slightly confused Daisy by the collar and lead her into the house.

"MUM!" he shouted, hopefully, she was home, "CAN YOU TAKE DAISY OUT TO THE BACK?"

"Sammy, I'm busy" his mother's voice was heard from the kitchen and he gently pulled the dog in with him to the room.

His mother was seated at the kitchen table with a laptop in front of her. The reading glasses she wore over her light brown eyes and the restless hand she ran through her dyed golden blonde hair indicated that she was doing something boring, like playing the bills.

"Please, she's freaking out my friend" he explained and his mother raised an eyebrow, knowing that none of Samuels friends had had any problem with Daisy so far, "just until we're up in my room"

"Alright" she stood up and grabbed Daisy, "But then I get to meet your new friend, okay?"

She ruffled his hair a little before continuing leading the, now calmer, dog to the back yard and Samuel walked back outside to where Roman was still seated.

"Hey, are you okay?" he started quietly and placed a gentle hand on Romans shoulder as he sat down on his knees next to him, he could feel him literally shaking, even if only slightly, under his hand "Mum's with Daisy, we can go upstairs without her coming out again"
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Roman stayed in the same position until Samuel came back, and when he felt the other boy's hand on his shoulder he stopped shaking. But he was still paper white, his eyes still slightly restless as he glanced around, looking for signs of the dog. He felt embarrassed, but mostly jumpy, as if he expected the creature to leap out at him and kill him at any moment.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to Samuel, making eye contact for a split second before rising fluidly to his feet and pulling Samuel up with him. He allowed his friend to lead him upstairs to his bedroom, where Roman sat down on the end of the bed and brought his nails up to his lips.

He only chewed when he was very nervous.

"I ... when I was nine I was walking home and this huge Rottweiler attacked me," he explained in the same shaky, quiet voice. He kept his eyes on the wall, unable to actually look at Samuel because he was so ashamed of himself and his stupid phobia. "And, you know, I nearly bled to death on the pavement outside this old lady's house. She came out and called an ambulance but that is actually the closest I've ever come to dying and I can't look at dogs without remembering it."

He glanced at Samuel out of the corner of his eye. "You can laugh at me now." He truly expected it.
He lead the still shaken Roman up into his messy bedroom, it was on the smaller side, with the walls covered with posters of his favorite soccer teams and movies, and half read books and clothes strewn out on the floor.

He listened to Roman talk with a frown on his face until he told him he could laugh and his expression changed into one of disbelief. Why would he laugh at him? He literally had a completely valid reason to be afraid. He sat down next to him on the bed, close enough for their shoulders to touch.

"It's fine, you can't help what your scared of" Samuel assured him and gave him a smile, "besides it'd be totally hypocritical of me if I laughed, I'm totally afraid of heights, and I don't even have a reason"
His fear of heights was obviously not at the same level as Romans phobia, but maybe he'd feel better knowing Samuel had something he was scared of that wasn't super rational either.

"Like when we jumped out the window" referencing back to last Friday, "Totally freaked me out, that's something to laugh about"
Obviously not by much, since they had been on the first floor but he had indeed been slightly unsettled at least, and that was a little silly.

"And I know it doesn't really change things, but just so you know, Daisy's an old lady" if Roman was afraid of the dog he was, but seeing as some dogs actually could be aggressive he thought Roman at least should know she wasn't a threat "she couldn't even hurt you she wanted to"
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The fact that Samuel didn't laugh, and he confessed his own fear, warmed Roman to the very core. He gave a small smile, planted a kiss to Samuel's shoulder and leaned his forehead there for a moment, simply grateful to have Samuel's warmth and presence there with him.

"Thank you," he whispered, pulling back and fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "And, yeah, sorry, it doesn't really make a difference how old she is," he added, licking his lips and frowning at his long fingers. "I mean, I don't mind small dogs, like spaniels and chihuahuas, it's big dogs I can't handle."

Almost desperate to change the subject, Roman said the first thing that came to his head. "I like your room." That wasn't necessarily a lie -- the room matched its owner, and Roman had come to like Samuel quite a bit over the last few weeks.

He bit his lip and looked at Samuel. "Is your mum like your dad?" He didn't need to elaborate. It was obvious he was talking about homophobia.
While he didn't particularly like the subject Roman chose to switch over to he let him, and Samuel didn't mind too much as it at least was comforting so being close to someone while he talked about it.

"She's not as bad, I think? She's definitively less judgemental about things," they obviously didn't talk about it much about it and he really hoped she was more okay with it, " I don't know, it's not like she stops my dad from saying homophobic shit, but I don't really do that either."

"I'm not going to risk telling her, though" he shrugged, it just didn't seem worth it.

Just as he finished speaking two knocks on the door could be heard and his mother's voice accompanying the sound with the words "knock, knock". As she opened the door, without anyone actually saying she was allowed in, Samuel quickly scooted off to the side so that they weren't seated so close. They had been speaking quietly but Samuels heart still started to beat a little faster at the thought that she maybe would have heard.

She didn't seem to have heard anything, though, and was more concerned with looking Roman up and down with a very surprised expression. He was obviously not someone she had expected her son to be friends with but she seemed to shrug it off in favour of giving him a concerned smile.

"I'll be taking the dog out for a walk in a minute, so you two will have the house for yourselves" While Samuel had preferred it if she hadn't interrupted right after Roman had just started to calm down but he was still really appreciative of his mum making the effort to get Daisy out of the house for a while, "I thought I would come up and say hello first, I'm Susan, Sammys mother"
She ended her sentence with reaching out a hand for Roman to shake and Samuel gave her a glare for using the nickname in front of a friend.
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Sammy, Roman mouthed at Samuel teasingly. It was cute. He liked it. And Roman would probably be using it every chance he got for the rest of time.

"It's very nice to meet you, Susan, my name is Roman," said Roman, back to his usual charming self. Even with the piercings, he was the kind of guy you could take home to your parents simply because he was so charismatic, ninety-nine percent of people adored him.

Roman stood up to his full height out of politeness and shook Susan's hand. He towered over the woman, of course, but no surprises there. Roman towered over most everyone on the planet. He was almost a skyscraper.

"Sorry about the dog thing ... I appreciate you putting her outside," he said to Samuel's mother earnestly.
Samuel turned is angry expression towards Roman for teasing him and watched him stand up and introduce himself to his mother, suddenly back to the way he usually were, only maybe a little more polite. At least he wouldn't give his mum any excuse not to like him.

"oh no sweetie, it's fine" His mother smiled warmly at Roman, seemingly liking that Samuels new friend had some manners " I'd hop on any excuse to get out in the sunshine for a while"

"Anyways, you two have fun" and then she turned to Samuel with a more stern expression and said, "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone"

Which he scoffed at, because he rarely did do anything stupid and she knew that but she still seemed to always think it was necessary to tell him not to do anything that wasn't allowed constantly.

She left with a goodbye and Samuel didn't say anything until the door was completely closed.
"If you call me Sammy ever I will seriously murder you"
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"Fight me, Sammy."

Roman smirked and flopped down on the bed. His legs dangled off the edge and Roman was confused for a few moments, before he realised that most people didn't have to get their beds elongated to fit their obnoxiously long bodies. Roman kicked his shoes off and pulled Samuel down so he was laying beside him.

"So, Sammy," he said in the same teasing tone, propping his chin up on his hand, supported by his elbow. "What do you do around here for fun? I'm noticing a considerable lack of musical instruments, even less horror movies and even less candles. What do you people who aren't at constant risk of exsanguination do for fun?"

He looped his fingers with Samuel's, mostly just to tease him. "Sammy."
Samuel had gotten that Roman probably was an affectionate kind of guy in general by now, but he still blushed a little as Roman intertwined their fingers. He knew it was to tease him though so he stubbornly didn't let go.

"Roman, I feel like you're not taking my threats seriously" he tried to say it in a serious tone, but he really couldn't keep a smile of his face "I will, in fact, fight you."

He then got quiet as he tried do think of a good answer seeing as he didn't do anything super special in his free time.
"I mean I dunno, I watch not-horror movies, and sometimes I read?" of course most of his friends weren't really big readers but from Romans perspective that was probably not something that made him stand out.

But really in saying it, he realized there weren't really that many things to do at his place, especially when you couldn't go out in the backyard and play soccer like he would usually do with friends over.

"So wanna watch a movie or something?" he suggested and then added, "a slightly less gory movie"
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"You wouldn't fight me," Roman informed Samuel matter-of-factly. "I'm frail and crippled, remember? Do you really want to be known as the guy who beat up a cripple?" Of course, Roman wasn't physically crippled -- most of the time.

"Wait." Roman peered at Samuel suspiciously. "You read?" He wasn't sure why this was a surprise, but it was. He had never expected Mr Soccer McGee to be interested in reading.

Roman subconsciously wriggled closer to his new friend. "What do you like to read?" he asked, completely ignoring the movie question.
Now Samuel started to seriously wonder why him reading was that shocking, did all people he didn't talk to at school just assume him and everyone in his circle of friends were completely brain dead. It wasn't completely off for some of them, though, so maybe the surprise wasn't that unwarranted. And it wasn't as if they all had made dumb generalizations about everyone else throughout the years either. But still.

"Okay, so had you not just gotten that surprised by my ability to read I would have maybe felt guilty," he said, laughing a little as he did "But now I'll fight, and beat, you with a completely clean conscience"

Still, he wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to talk about books with someone that wasn't his mum.
"I liked the Harry Potter books a lot as a kid so those are still a fave, and I reread a bunch or Roald Dhals stuff every once in a while. Oh, and the Wolf Brother series, those are good too" he told him, getting quite visibly excited, "I feel like the books that stick with you since you were a kid usually are the best ones, because they obviously had something for everybody no matter if they were originally intended for a younger audience."

Nowadays a lot of the things he read was what his mother got recommended to her and what was about to get made into a movie, so he ended up with a lot of the books tween girls liked. He knew half of them weren't particularly good, still, they were usually a pretty fun read.

"But other than that I usually read what's popular at the time, which means that, yes I did read all of the Twilight books, but no not fifty shades of gray. I have some standards." He finished finally realizeing he had gotten dangerously close to rambling on about books a little too long.
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"I knew you could read, dumbass," Roman teased, poking Samuel in the ribs with a roll of his eyes. "There's a difference between being able to read and reading for fun. And you don't look like someone who reads for fun."

Roman listened to Samuel's explanation of his reading habits with a small smile on his face. He loved hearing people talk about what they were passionate about, so he'd probably listen to Samuel ramble about soccer if he did so. But he was talking about reading, and that was something Roman could relate to.

"Hey, I like Twilight," Roman admitted, flicking Samuel on the end of the nose with his fingers. "And, I haven't read Fifty Shades of Grey either, so we're on the same boat there."

Roman smiled. He really did enjoy talking to Samuel.

"Have you read Coraline? It's my favourite book and my favourite movie."
He could never confess to liking something as girly as Twilight, even if it was more of a guilty pleasure book, to the rest of his friends since it would probably earn him the title fag until they forgot about it. It wasn't that Samuel had some great need to tell people he liked that book, but the fact that he didn't have to keep himself from saying it with Roman was really nice.

"I haven't read it in a long time," Samuel said, he had probably read it around the time the movie came out so it had probably seven or so years, "I remember thinking it was good, though. And interesting. I can really see why you'd like it"

It was exactly the kind of book and movie he'd expect Roman to like, at least based on what he had seen of his film preferences

"My all time favourite is Matilda" the Roald dahl book was a book he assumed a lot of kids who liked to read would have enjoyed growing up, seeing as it was about a kid who liked to read, but he was still curious to see if Roman liked it was well "by Roald Dahl, read it?"
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"Of course I've read Matilda. Who hasn't read Matilda?"

The boys were still laying beside one another, on their sides, facing each other. This kind of intimacy was nice. It wasn't romantic per se, but it was still close, and he still felt comfortable with Samuel there. Comfortable enough to reach out and brush the boy's hair off his forehead, tuck it behind his ear, straighten out the collar of his ugly school shirt. Little things like that.

"I like to think that Hermione from Harry Potter read Matilda, a story about a little girl who liked to read and had powers, and found herself in it." Roman smiled at the tender thought. "And I like to think she looked at the bookshelves and her books moved, and she thought she was just like Matilda."

Roman was still holding Samuel's hand in his own, which had been a teasing joke at the start. Now, he rubbed circles into the back of his friend's hand as he admired how pretty his eyes were.
"That could so be a thing that would happen" he said happily accepting Romans idea as fact "I think sometimes when reading Harry potter you forget both Harry and Hermione are raised as muggles, so if she told her friends she used to think that, Harry would know exactly what she was talking about and Ron would be like 'guys what the fuck are you talking about'"

He snickered at the thought, too caught up in the conversation to even really think about the fact that they were still holding hands and lying closer than he would have ever been comfortable just two weeks ago.

"It's kind of neat how all kids just kind of imagine themselves in the books they read like that" he said and thought back to all the scenarios from books he would imagine he would end up in as a kid "Like, when I was younger and my dad got angry at me I would imagine pulling the kind of pranks Matilda did on her dad" he laughed as he recalled sulking in his room as a kid, planning out the most revengeful pranks he could come up with but that he would never execute.
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"I know what you mean," Roman murmured, smiling slightly at the thought of his childhood imagination, willing him to be in the books he read. "I always wanted to go to Hogwarts -- like, I didn't even care if I wasn't friends with the Golden Trio, I just wanted to go to Hogwarts."

Roman sighed. "But, alas, my Hogwarts letter never came." He pouted and closed his eyes for a moment, as if he were mourning the future he never had. "I'm pretty sure it just got lost in the mail. Express from England to Australia probably encountered a tornado or something."

Roman licked his lips and smirked. "I always wanted to play Quidditch but, you know. That wouldn't end spectacularly for me." An idea came to him. "I'll go outside and try and play soccer with you if you want."