Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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Oh jesus I go to work and both threads just EXPLODE with posts. Glad my other games are 1x1s. >_>

Hopefully maybe will might be able to get a post up? So many to reeeaaad though. X_X
We discussed magical girl identities, Akiko got hit, Ririka groped someone, We discussed utilities and said it's best we probably keep even those to a minimum.
We discussed magical girl identities, Akiko got hit, Ririka groped someone, We discussed utilities and said it's best we probably keep even those to a minimum.
I read most of the OOC discussion (laughed at all the comments on the snow. I live in California. It's been getting WARMER). For the IC though, I mostly focused on the second floor related posts, so I kinda missed a bit of the rest. >_> So thank you!

To weigh in on the identities though, I wouldn't mind if they had secret identities, I suppose, but I'm not sure how that could make things more interesting. If anything it would be tougher/more confusing. I forget if anything was decided though, so potentially ignore that comment. <_<
I read most of the OOC discussion (laughed at all the comments on the snow. I live in California. It's been getting WARMER). For the IC though, I mostly focused on the second floor related posts, so I kinda missed a bit of the rest. >_> So thank you!

To weigh in on the identities though, I wouldn't mind if they had secret identities, I suppose, but I'm not sure how that could make things more interesting. If anything it would be tougher/more confusing. I forget if anything was decided though, so potentially ignore that comment. <_<
Yeah. It was only a thought. :3 I think I'm going to keep it the way it is, people know who you are.
@SailorMoon For confirmation, is Midori throwing the ball so that it would ricochet off the wall and hit Kaoru? Or would it bounce off the wall and hit where she predicts that Kaoru would go?
@SailorMoon For confirmation, is Midori throwing the ball so that it would ricochet off the wall and hit Kaoru? Or would it bounce off the wall and hit where she predicts that Kaoru would go?
The latter, but if it's too godmoddy I can change it to something else.
No, it's fine. Kaoru's probably just going to not even notice the ball until it whizzes past her, bounces off another beam, and shoots back to Midori. XD
No, it's fine. Kaoru's probably just going to not even notice the ball until it whizzes past her, bounces off another beam, and shoots back to Midori. XD
That works for me. :3

@Wolfsbane706 Lol yeah. I'm terrible at math, but in games and pool I'm great at predicting where something will go. :o So for a girl like Midori it seems believable.
I predict Kaoru will spinout and make herself dizzy.

Also, I'm gonna post in the morning. Computer's currently occupied by someone else.
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Posted. Midori is now the gorilla senpai. I love Kaoru's unintentional taunts.
I'm still amazed over the fact that everyone loves Ririka so much, she is funny, yeah I made her that way, but still...
I'm still amazed over the fact that everyone loves Ririka so much, she is funny, yeah I made her that way, but still...
Yes. Lol. I'm honored that Momoko got to be the first girl groped. Also, I thought about it a little more and you can submit your first year character if you want.

@Akumulosis Yeah. I guess my absence really put a damper on things. <.<
*flails* wawawa~ so fast all of a sudden. *runs of to prepare post in between classes*

Name:Fanny Lummiets
Age: 16
Year: First
Alias: Moon maiden.
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Element: Seven Moons
Personality: A usually rather cheerful girl who are rather easy to dampen but usually recover very fast. She' a bit tardy and forgetful at times but usually always have a smile on her lips. She's hard trying once she finds interest for something and have a very combative spirit that wants to win in challenges. She doesn't give up on things easily, loves hamburgers and somewhat have a huge love for balls. She love ball sports and want to participate on just about every team she can if she got the time. She's not really bad at them either, a bit of training and practice and she can be a force to be reconed with on the playing field.

Bio: An Alaska girl who have lived most her life in cold environments but most recently have been exposed to warmer climates. In previous schools she lived a rather wild and free life without much thought, yet she was different from non-magical girls and it was very obvious in the end. She's loves Malamutes and somewhat have spent a lot of time with dogs most of her life. She does love almost all animals however, even if she tend to chase them at times, she have a weakness to patting and always act like if she wag a taim when happy. When she got sent to this magical school she got very happy and hsurely hope to have a very good time there.

Extracurricular Activities: Basketball club, Music club and Theater club
Magical Girl Abilities:
'Blue moon's Wind of Change: A blue magic ability that basically takes a random property of beasts and apply it to friend or foe. It could be something as simple as enhanced hearing or something advanced like a dragons fire breath. "Random target"

'Grey Moon's Natural Aspect: A spell of neither white or black, its used to sense magic and its properties. "self"

'Yellow moon's bolstering eye: A Elemental enchanting spell which primary use is to strengthen other properties. "Single target"

'White Moon 's healing tear: A spell that can make liquids gain healing properties. "Aoe 2 yard"

'Black Moon's Dark pledge: A hex spell that can severely cripple someone's ability to use magic, cause mishaps and miscasts to happen very easily. "Single target" 1-3 spell durations

'Silver Moon's Silver mirror: A reflection spell that can make spell targeting the user bounce off. Its however difficult to maintain

'Crimson Moon's Unleashed Fury: A spell of chaos... a song of despair, Ragnarok incarnate... its a straight line spell that casts targets into a world if their own wors worst fear. However its just an illusion, but can prove surprisingly effective.

Costume: Normal school uniform
Theme Song:

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I'm not the GM here, but everything looks good...except the fact that you put her age where her name was. :3
Right. I don't like doing split posts, but this was kinda necessary as Victoria literally has nothing to do except stay put.
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