Monsters and Monster Hunters OOC and Sign Up!

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Monsters were once human. They were once completely normal people. Now. . . they are something much different. At some point during their lives, they underwent a transformation. There are many different ways a transformation can happen, such as an accident, experimentation, a project gone awry, a ritual of some sort, whatever you can think of, I'm really excited to see people's creativity.
When Monsters were discovered, people were terrified. They had no idea what to make of these creatures. They assumed Monsters were dangerous. Indeed, some were. Some, but not all.
As a result, a new job opened up. Monster Hunters. At first, Monster Hunters were only meant to neutralize Monsters that were threats. The definition of threat soon started to bend as the station became more and more corrupt. Now, all Monsters live in fear of Hunters, whether or not they've done anything wrong.

Your character can be Monsters, Monster Hunters, or just a plain old humans. Some notes on each character type.
Monsters- how monstrous your monster looks is entirely up to you. Maybe they're human-passing most of the time, or maybe they're so terrifying they don't even want to look at themselves. Be creative with it! Another thing to think about is how being shunned from society has affected them. Are they bitter, scared, sad, what? How have they been affected by this different treatment?
Monster Hunters- just because their station is corrupt doesn't mean your character has to be. They can believe they are in the right, they can believe what they're doing is necessary. Or they can be corrupt, giving the station a dark reputation in the eyes of Monsters. This is a story about your character and how they grow. Maybe they'll see not all Monsters are evil, or on the flip side, grow more and more extreme in their hatred.
Plain Old Human- As in real life, there are all kinds of people, with all kinds of opinions. Do they like Monsters and think they deserve better? Do they go so far as to harbor them like fugatives? Are they just scared, not understanding? Are they hateful and cruel, contributing to the way society treats monsters? Up to you! Plain old people are welcome to become Monster Hunters, and Monster Hunters are welcome to quit being Monster Hunters and become Plain old people.
For Monsters and Plain Old People, your character can be any age that you want. For Monster Hunters, the minimum age is sixteen.

Character Sheet-
Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person (choose one):
Physical Description or Picture:
How they feel about Monsters(yes this question applies to monsters as well):
Skills/Powers (for monsters, these can be semi-supernatural abilities, for everyone else, just normal skills please):
Weakness(es)(Mainly for Monsters, to ensure they don't get too overpowered and become undefeatable):
History (for Monsters, include transformation):
Extra (optional):

Once your character has been accepted (either directly or by means of a rating), please put them on the Character Index.

1- Please keep it as PG-13 as possible! Romantic relationships and scenes are allowed just. . . try to be fairly chill with it. Swearing is fine.
2- Try to post at least two or three times a week (more if you can, but I understand a lot of people are busy). At least one decent sized paragraph per post more is welcome.
3- be considerate of your fellow writers, and ask them before doing certain things, such as killing their character, etc. I've had one too many roleplays ruined by trigger-happy trolls.
4- Have fun with it and be creative!

With that, I leave you to it! Once I've accepted a few characters we can begin the roleplay proper!
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Well Sun Flare isn't going to kill him unless Justin tries to kill him first. Death Spike on the other hand... Oh yes, Try outrunning an animal that runs 120 miles per hour XD. Oh the nightmares characters are going to have after seeing him

You definitely have a thing with dinosaurs, dare I say it, a theme. Haha, honestly, it's sort of cool. And as for Sun Flare not killing him unless provoked, Justin still isn't trying to mess with that. ("I've seen all the Jurassic Park movies and all I have to say is no, no, no, and hell no.")
You definitely have a thing with dinosaurs, dare I say it, a theme. Haha, honestly, it's sort of cool. And as for Sun Flare not killing him unless provoked, Justin still isn't trying to mess with that. ("I've seen all the Jurassic Park movies and all I have to say is no, no, no, and hell no.")

Yeah, There's a reason why Flare isn't the biggest fan of humans. And it's not just because they don't like HIM. Spike LOVES humans, They are quite nutritious to him XD
Scary dinosaur murderer is scary. Who would have guessed.
I'm actually planning to put the proper roleplay part up tomorrow if I can, Quiet can still join, because sign ups won't be closing anytime soon.
Thought I'd add a bit to Death Spike's Extras to let people know the effects of his poison. Since I had the time
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Do I need to get my internet stick for you two?

@Takashi @Quiet
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Can someone send me a link for the RP? I still can't find it!
(Have got two more characters in the works)


Name: Jack Harlow, alias: Jack the Ripper, often addressed to simply as Red

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person: Monster Hunter

How they feel about Monsters: Considering Jack's family was torn to shreds by a pack of wild Lycan's, along with having lost an eye and having several parts of his face disfigured at such an excruciatingly young age, his feelings towards anything that isn't human in general was at one point deeply embedded in fear, such emotions having manifested over the years, turning to rage and bloodlust.

Skills/Powers: Jack has spent the majority of his life in vigorous, extreme training at a relentless rate making him a gifted acrobatic. He is an expert in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles, firearms and Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship) despite being well-trained with firearms, Jack prefers not to rely on them. His katana has grown overtime into, in plain terms, a third arm, more often than not dicing anything that comes near to tiny little pieces. Along with these skills, Jack is also a master tracker and respectable hunter, if he were to pick up a rifle.

Personality: A cold and apathetic person towards any and everyone, friend or foe. On the forefront of Jack's mind at every given moment is the termination of the Monster species, regardless of any sound justification for their existence. His eyes are red with bloodlust, his heart as cold as icebergs. Quite frankly if one comes to Jack with some matter that does not involve the extinction of monsters, there is an extraordinarily minuscule chance he will concern himself with such a matter. Despite this bloodlust demeanor, deep within Jack's soul are the remnants of a happy childhood, a good life by the hand of good people, his mother, father and older siblings; all of which are now deceased, yet their presence still lingers within Jack's frozen heart. The man is not deaf to sound morals and doing what is right, so long as what is right is not in favor of a Monster's life. If one can manage to tug the strings of this childhood tune, they'll find that Jack is willing to go to the ends of the earth to help somebody in need. It is something his mother and father would've expected of him. The man is not evil, simply riddled to the core with a twisted form of what he calls justice, but is in truth a thirst for vengeance.

Interests: If there were a DIY guide titled "1000 ways to tear a monster to shreds" it would be at the top of Jack's e-reader favorites list. Other than that, the man has a soft spot for dogs and Japanese culture (i.e. Buddhism, ongaku, calligraphy, Washi, Ikebana) he is also a fan of American cinema, popular video games, and shrimp cocktails.

Mannerisms/Quirks: Extremely introverted and heavily reserved but not necessarily shy. Awkward with women. Quick to become hostile and aggressive towards humanoid Monsters upon knowledge of, well, the fact they're a monster. Akin to Japanese culture and mannerisms.


History: At the young age of nine years old, what was meant to be a tranquil camping trip in the mountains of Aurora, Colorado turned to what came to be a gruesome, blood-ridden nightmare. As Jack and his older brother by five years were fishing for dinner by the lake, the rest of their family were ripped to shreds and became dinner themselves, a pack of Lycan's had infiltrated what was meant to be a rabid monster free zone. There was so much blood Jack and his brother could taste iron in their mouths a short distance from the campsite.

Upon their arrival, Jack's brother was forced to grab him and cover his mouth to silence the blood-curdling screams. In nearly seconds, a Lycan leaped from out of the tree. Daniel, Jack's brother, lifted his younger sibling up and made a full sprint in the other direction, his many years spent in the local soccer league paying off. Seemingly out of nowhere, another Lycan swiped at the two from behind a tree, leaving a deep cut opening wide the skin from Jack's left eye down to his jaw as well as slicing open Daniel's neck in the process, silencing Jack's screams and killing Daniel.

The last thing Jack could remember was three Lycan's standing above him. In one swift, graceful cut, the three of them were beheaded in less than a second. The middle Lycan's head landed on Jack's chest, it's tongue sticking out, eyes wide open. At that point, the boy fainted. The three Lycan's had escaped containment thanks to the carelessness of the monster keepers who were transporting them across state lines. A monster hunter by the name of Samuel Bishop was immediately hired to track them down and execute them, seeing as they had escaped near civilization.

Samuel blamed himself for the death of Jack's family, knowing full well he would have reached them in time if he hadn't stopped on the way to flirt with the head female park ranger. From that point on he adopted Jack and oversaw his development, training the boy in Kenjutsu as soon as he was of age, planting seeds that would lead to a future career as a monster hunter.

Extra: Functioning alcoholic; also addicted to cigarettes and dine-in movie theaters.
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(Have got two more characters in the works)


Name: Jack Harlow, alias: Jack the Ripper, often addressed to simply as Red

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person: Monster Hunter

How they feel about Monsters: Considering Jack's family was torn to shreds by a pack of wild Lycan's, along with having lost an eye and having several parts of his face disfigured at such an excruciatingly young age, his feelings towards anything that isn't human in general was at one point deeply embedded in fear, such emotions having manifested over the years, turning to rage and bloodlust.

Skills/Powers: Jack has spent the majority of his life in vigorous, extreme training at a relentless rate and is an expert in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles, firearms and Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship) despite being well-trained with firearms, Jack prefers not to rely on them. His katana has grown overtime into, in plain terms, a third arm, more often than not dicing anything that comes near to tiny little pieces. Along with these skills, Jack is also a master tracker and respectable hunter, if he were to pick up a rifle.

Personality: A cold and apathetic person towards any and everyone, friend or foe. On the forefront of Jack's mind at every given moment is the termination of the Monster species, regardless of any sound justification for their existence. His eyes are red with bloodlust, his heart as cold as icebergs. Quite frankly if one comes to Jack with some matter that does not involve the extinction of monsters, there is an extraordinarily minuscule chance he will concern himself with such a matter. Despite this bloodlust demeanor, deep within Jack's soul are the remnants of a happy childhood, a good life by the hand of good people, his mother, father and older siblings; all of which are now deceased, yet their presence still lingers within Jack's frozen heart. The man is not deaf to sound morals and doing what is right, so long as what is right is not in favor of a Monster's life. If one can manage to tug the strings of this childhood tune, they'll find that Jack is willing to go to the ends of the earth to help somebody in need. It is something his mother and father would've expected of him. The man is not evil, simply riddled to the core with a twisted form of what he calls justice, but is in truth a thirst for vengeance.

Interests: If there were a DIY guide titled "1000 ways to tear a monster to shreds" it would be at the top of Jack's e-reader favorites list. Other than that, the man has a soft spot for dogs and Japanese culture (i.e. Buddhism, ongaku, calligraphy, Washi, Ikebana) he is also a fan of American cinema, popular video games, and shrimp cocktails.

Mannerisms/Quirks: Extremely introverted and heavily reserved but not necessarily shy. Awkward with women. Quick to become hostile and aggressive towards humanoid Monsters upon knowledge of, well, the fact they're a monster. Akin to Japanese culture and mannerisms.


History: At the young age of nine years old, what was meant to be a tranquil camping trip in the mountains of Aurora, Colorado turned to what came to be a gruesome, blood-ridden nightmare. As Jack and his older brother by five years were fishing for dinner by the lake, the rest of their family were ripped to shreds and became dinner themselves, a pack of Lycan's had infiltrated what was meant to be a rabid monster free zone. There was so much blood Jack and his brother could taste iron in their mouths a short distance from the campsite.

Upon their arrival, Jack's brother was forced to grab him and cover his mouth to silence the blood-curdling screams. In nearly seconds, a Lycan leaped from out of the tree. Daniel, Jack's brother, lifted his younger sibling up and made a full sprint in the other direction, his many years spent in the local soccer league paying off. Seemingly out of nowhere, another Lycan swiped at the two from behind a tree, leaving a deep cut opening wide the skin from Jack's left eye down to his jaw as well as slicing open Daniel's neck in the process, silencing Jack's screams and killing Daniel.

The last thing Jack could remember was three Lycan's standing above him. In one swift, graceful cut, the three of them were beheaded in less than a second. The middle Lycan's head landed on Jack's chest, it's tongue sticking out, eyes wide open. At that point, the boy fainted. The three Lycan's had escaped containment thanks to the careless of the monster keepers who were transporting them across state lines. A monster hunter by the name of Samuel Bishop was immediately hired to track them down and execute them, seeing as they had escaped near civilization.

Samuel blamed himself for the death of Jack's family, knowing full well he would have reached them in time if he hadn't stopped on the way to flirt with the head female park ranger. From that point on he adopted Jack and oversaw his development, training the boy in Kenjutsu as soon as he was of age, planting seeds that would lead to a future career as a monster hunter.

Extra: Functioning alcoholic; also addicted to cigarettes and dine-in movie theaters.

Death Spike's going to have fun with this one. Bethany might see him as a threat to business though
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(Have got two more characters in the works)


Name: Jack Harlow, alias: Jack the Ripper, often addressed to simply as Red

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Monster/Monster Hunter/Regular Person: Monster Hunter

How they feel about Monsters: Considering Jack's family was torn to shreds by a pack of wild Lycan's, along with having lost an eye and having several parts of his face disfigured at such an excruciatingly young age, his feelings towards anything that isn't human in general was at one point deeply embedded in fear, such emotions having manifested over the years, turning to rage and bloodlust.

Skills/Powers: Jack has spent the majority of his life in vigorous, extreme training at a relentless rate making him a gifted acrobatic. He is an expert in a variety of hand to hand fighting styles, firearms and Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship) despite being well-trained with firearms, Jack prefers not to rely on them. His katana has grown overtime into, in plain terms, a third arm, more often than not dicing anything that comes near to tiny little pieces. Along with these skills, Jack is also a master tracker and respectable hunter, if he were to pick up a rifle.

Personality: A cold and apathetic person towards any and everyone, friend or foe. On the forefront of Jack's mind at every given moment is the termination of the Monster species, regardless of any sound justification for their existence. His eyes are red with bloodlust, his heart as cold as icebergs. Quite frankly if one comes to Jack with some matter that does not involve the extinction of monsters, there is an extraordinarily minuscule chance he will concern himself with such a matter. Despite this bloodlust demeanor, deep within Jack's soul are the remnants of a happy childhood, a good life by the hand of good people, his mother, father and older siblings; all of which are now deceased, yet their presence still lingers within Jack's frozen heart. The man is not deaf to sound morals and doing what is right, so long as what is right is not in favor of a Monster's life. If one can manage to tug the strings of this childhood tune, they'll find that Jack is willing to go to the ends of the earth to help somebody in need. It is something his mother and father would've expected of him. The man is not evil, simply riddled to the core with a twisted form of what he calls justice, but is in truth a thirst for vengeance.

Interests: If there were a DIY guide titled "1000 ways to tear a monster to shreds" it would be at the top of Jack's e-reader favorites list. Other than that, the man has a soft spot for dogs and Japanese culture (i.e. Buddhism, ongaku, calligraphy, Washi, Ikebana) he is also a fan of American cinema, popular video games, and shrimp cocktails.

Mannerisms/Quirks: Extremely introverted and heavily reserved but not necessarily shy. Awkward with women. Quick to become hostile and aggressive towards humanoid Monsters upon knowledge of, well, the fact they're a monster. Akin to Japanese culture and mannerisms.


History: At the young age of nine years old, what was meant to be a tranquil camping trip in the mountains of Aurora, Colorado turned to what came to be a gruesome, blood-ridden nightmare. As Jack and his older brother by five years were fishing for dinner by the lake, the rest of their family were ripped to shreds and became dinner themselves, a pack of Lycan's had infiltrated what was meant to be a rabid monster free zone. There was so much blood Jack and his brother could taste iron in their mouths a short distance from the campsite.

Upon their arrival, Jack's brother was forced to grab him and cover his mouth to silence the blood-curdling screams. In nearly seconds, a Lycan leaped from out of the tree. Daniel, Jack's brother, lifted his younger sibling up and made a full sprint in the other direction, his many years spent in the local soccer league paying off. Seemingly out of nowhere, another Lycan swiped at the two from behind a tree, leaving a deep cut opening wide the skin from Jack's left eye down to his jaw as well as slicing open Daniel's neck in the process, silencing Jack's screams and killing Daniel.

The last thing Jack could remember was three Lycan's standing above him. In one swift, graceful cut, the three of them were beheaded in less than a second. The middle Lycan's head landed on Jack's chest, it's tongue sticking out, eyes wide open. At that point, the boy fainted. The three Lycan's had escaped containment thanks to the carelessness of the monster keepers who were transporting them across state lines. A monster hunter by the name of Samuel Bishop was immediately hired to track them down and execute them, seeing as they had escaped near civilization.

Samuel blamed himself for the death of Jack's family, knowing full well he would have reached them in time if he hadn't stopped on the way to flirt with the head female park ranger. From that point on he adopted Jack and oversaw his development, training the boy in Kenjutsu as soon as he was of age, planting seeds that would lead to a future career as a monster hunter.

Extra: Functioning alcoholic; also addicted to cigarettes and dine-in movie theaters.

My immediate reaction to this guy and his backstory is a profound "Jesus Christ,"
That being said, I really enjoy this character and your writing style on his backstory. Very gory! Great job.
  • Thank You
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Name: Wilhelm Douglas
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Monster Hunter
Physical Description or Picture:
6'1" tall

How they feel about Monsters: Equates them to animals who need to be controlled. The more human-like are still part animal and therefore beneath actual humans. Harbors no innate hatred towards them.
  • Shooting
  • Tracking
  • Running
  • Wrestling
  • Gunspinning
  • Moonshining
  • Horseriding
  • Off-roading
Personality: A good-natured man who loves to drink, shoot, fight, laugh, play, talk and capture monsters. He doesn't shy away from getting in others' personal space.
Interests: Guns, Booze, Pool, Darts, Monsters, Money, Gambling, Mountaineering and Europe
Mannerisms/Quirks: Twirls his revolver when idling, can often be found chewing on a cigar, likes to go for a drink with his monster hunter colleagues

History: Born and raised on a farm alongside 7 siblings, Wilhelm's life consisted of hard work, family values, making moonshine and keeping animals away from the crops and cattle. At the age of ten his father bought him a rifle and told him to shoot at anything that shouldn't be on the property, as the man had done for every one of his children. Every so often, they'd go hunting for wild boars to keep the population in check, but also to keep them away from their farm and just for fun too. During these hunts, Wilhelm found that he, more so than the rest of his family, had a good ear, a good eye and an incredibly steady hand. Every shot he took was a hit, or at the very least a graze. Sometimes they'd come across a monster, too, but those were treated just like the hogs and would be promptly shot down.

As he grew older, Wilhelm became more fascinated by guns and hunting monsters. With his skill he knew he could get out there and make a name for himself, but he also grew bored of just protecting the farm and hunting boars with the occasional monster. At 19, he left home to get a job as a monster hunter. It was a slow start, but he eventually gained good recommendations for his efficient work. Over the years, he's traveled all across the US to face new monsters and learn more about them, to take them down easier. In time, he's grown into a very good hunter.
Extra: Wears one earplug to prevent going completely deaf from shooting guns.
Ok, soo looks like we have 5 monsters, 4 hunters, and 1 regular person so far. Plus if Neobendium makes that dragon shifter then we'll have that. And also whatever jlew265 ends up making. In conclusion, I must return to my dark corner to finish my hunter.
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